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New Grants Help Expand Farms for Life's Programs in Response to COVID-19

The pandemic has significantly impacted nearly every aspect of our organization and the partners we serve. We are committed to supporting a strong food pipeline so farms can survive financially, and social service agencies can feed a client base that has rapidly increased in size and vulnerability.

A recent article in The New York Times, "Poor Diet’s Role in Coronavirus Risk," reinforces the positive contribution of our efforts during this crisis:

Those living in economically challenged communities, and especially people of color, are bearing the heaviest burden of Covid-19 infections. But while diet-related disorders increase vulnerability to the virus, limited national attention has been paid to the lack of access to nutritionally wholesome foods that can sustain metabolic health and support a vigorous immune system.

We are fortunate to have received two generous grants this spring that have allowed us to respond to the pandemic in meaningful ways:

  • Expanding our program to add a new produce delivery service to support partner agencies

  • Creating a COVID-19 relief grant program for small farms

  • Adding new farm and community agency partners to expand our reach

  • Instituting enhanced safety protocols to provide a safe and clean work environment

We are grateful for the support we received from Tableau Foundation in Seattle who awarded FFL a grant in the amount of $10,000 from their COVID-19 Community Response Fund. The fund was set up to support organizations that help to keep communities safe and healthy.

This is the first time we have received a grant from the Tableau Foundation which is a philanthropic initiative led by the employees of Tableau Software.

We would also like to express our gratitude to the City of Woodinville who awarded us a $10,000 COVID-19 Human Services grant. These funds will be used to support additional farms and provide meals to Woodinville residents. For this grant, we are establishing an innovative partnership with local farms to buy produce and joining forces with FareStart to provide meals to the Northshore YMCA located in Woodinville. This is our first grant from the City of Woodinville.

To learn more about our sponsors, please see our SPONSORS page. To make a tax deductible donation, please see our HOW YOU CAN HELP page.

1 Comment

Farms for Life
Jun 25, 2020

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